
SHIFT Endowed Chair Adjunct ProfessorYasumasa YAMAMOTO

【Specialized Fields】
Digital transformation, technology, and society
Graduated from Kyoto University and Harvard University. Worked at Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ America head quarter, Google. Now supporting startup and large corporation with technology driven business viewpoint.
How world changes with emerging technology, Kodansha 2020
Technology textbook for business man, Nikkei-bunko 2020
Disruptive technology companies on 2025, SBcreative 2020 (translated in Korean and Chinese)
Disruptive technology companies for Financial Industry, SB creative 2021
5 technology changing world for SDGs and ESG, Syodensha 2020 etc
Technology progress is faster than ever. I would like to discuss this disruptive, boundaryless movement with students.