Professional Degree Program
Admission Policy
The Graduate School of Management (GSM) aims at educating advanced professionals who can provide leadership in a wide range of fields. The admission policy establishes required experience, knowledge, learning skills and mindset for candidates who wish to study at GSM. This policy also describes evaluation criteria used in the admission process.
In our professional program, we have developed lectures and courses that bridge theory and practice based on our curriculum policy. We accept candidates of high caliber from a wide range of diverse backgrounds under this policy, such as undergraduate students from various disciplines, those with extensive work experience, and international students. Candidates are expected to have basic knowledge in management science and sound intellectual curiosity. In order to accept diverse students, GSM employs a variety of selection processes including those specifically designed for candidates with professional working experience and for English programs. We determine successful applicants based on the overall results of written examinations, essays, interviews, academic and work records and other relevant information. We specify details of evaluation on the admission guidelines. During evaluation, we give equal consideration to applicants from our university and from other universities. It does not discriminate against any applicant to this course for reasons such as race, religion, gender, age, nationality, political ideology, or physical disability.
Our mission and policies expect that eligible candidates possess the following characteristics.
- 1Individuals who have a strong will to work on the complex issues that current management is facing with theoretically, practically and ethically.
- 2Individuals who work hard and encourage each other in the classes of GSM. They should possess intellectual curiosity and social role consciousness.
- 3Individuals who have basic knowledge in management science and broad knowledge in general and are able to apply knowledge and skills in reality.
Curriculum Policy
The Graduate School of Management (GSM) establishes the following policy to achieve our “Mission” and “Basic Approach”. The policy covers the curriculum of the professional program, the method of education/learning, and the evaluation of study result.
Firstly, the curriculum is organized to master broad foundational management knowledge as well as specialized knowledge and practical skills by learning from the basic subjects through the specialized and business practice subjects up to the advanced subjects.
Secondly, the method of education/learning is mainly the lecture-style classes at the stage of basic knowledge. However, the method changes to seminar-style classes at the stage of practical skills. To enable students to create their study plan easily, we provide a graphic curriculum tree. In addition, we guide students to achieve practical applied skills through academic seminars and/or symposiums.
Thirdly, the evaluation of students and their achievement is based on a relative performance evaluation method. However, we use other methods as well. For example, a descriptive examination is used to evaluate students’ understanding of basic knowledge. We measure students’ achievement of applied learning skills partly by their participation in class discussions. Furthermore, practical skills are evaluated through their actions in workshops and/or projects. The details for each class are explained in syllabi. GSM provides various educational programs that correspond to specific disciplinary/professional areas. Each program sets clear study goal(s) and a curriculum specifically designed for it. As management/business challenges have become global in nature, we require our students to take above a certain number of classes taught in English to master highly specialized knowledge.
The curricula of our professional programs reflect the latest developments in management theory and methods. GSM offers curricula that improve students’ practical skills, that deepen student understanding and sense of responsibility of the importance of business, and that teach social aspects of business.
Diploma Policy
The Graduate School of Management (GSM) has determined its mission and policy under the unique school tradition of Kyoto University. GSM is eager to contribute to the diverse yet harmonious development of society. For that, we recognize our mission is to educate advanced professionals who can play important roles in a wide range of fields.
The Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University grants the MBA (Master of Business Administration) to students who have gained the knowledge and skills below. However, the students must meet the requirements of GSM regarding term of study, accepted classes, and the number of credits. They include those who have:
- 1Mastered comprehensive basic knowledge of management as advanced professionals.
- 2Obtained a high level of knowledge as professionals.
- 3Developed theoretical thinking and practical skills to apply professional knowledge to business.
- 4Shown a high ethics standard and strong sense of responsibility as professionals.
Doctoral Program
To be updated soon
Admission Policy
The Graduate School of Management Department of Management Science (Doctoral program) has developed active education and research, based on our tradition and spirit to nurture highly specialized professional doctors as a global business leader having a high research capability and an ample practical business activity.
A masters or a professional degree is principally required to be accepted on the doctoral program, and the selection process which will choose a highly professional business person with actual business experience is considered.
The individuals who best fit the requirements to research this program will possess the following three capabilities based on our mission and approach.
- 1Individuals who understand and share the philosophy of the graduate school, and possess a robust will to study on the current complicated and diversifying problems autonomously.
- 2Individuals who are able to participate on the educational program of the doctoral program which is aimed at highly specialized professional doctors with a strong intellectual desire and awareness of their social responsibility.
- 3Individuals who possesses the necessary basic academic skills and the ability to execute the realization of the philosophy and purpose of this graduate school.
Curriculum Policy
In order to realize the Graduate School of Management's "Mission" and "Approach", the curriculum policy has been established with two main pillars.
Firstly, after receiving lectures, seminars, and exercises including course work and the knowledge of the management science by the training and research methodology, each student will have the opportunity to specialize in one of the following three research areas such as "practice finance", "service innovation and design", and "project management", to ensure that the student is capable of applying their skills on a practical level within a real business administration.
Secondly, in the current age of global competition, previously unknown problems that are difficult to forecast will arise, creating unique problems in the conventional education framework that will become more of a serious issue. When a student is ready to pass the examination of dissertation for their Ph.D., a tutorial team, that is the instruction members consisting of the teachers varying within that specialized field, is formed, and the research guidance is clearly placed as the required subject "Study on Management Science".
The curriculum contains a series of examinations that form part of the assessment process. They include, "preparative examination of doctoral dissertation", "qualifying examination of doctoral dissertation" and "midway examination of doctoral dissertation" to reach the final "examination of doctoral dissertation". These examinations are set as part of the doctor’s degree education and are totally supervised throughout the latter period of the graduate course.
Diploma Policy
The The GSM has established a curriculum policy to realize the misson, mentioned above. The school will confer the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science (Doctoral Degree)" to students who have attended during the designated study term and have completed the required number of credits for one of the doctoral programs aforementioned in the curriculum policy, and have passed the examination of doctoral dissertation.
The examination of doctoral dissertation is executed to check the validity of the thesis to ensure it possesses the required academic significance, novelty, creativity and applied value for an actual field of study. It is also to test whether the doctoral degree candidate possesses the necessary planning and promotion ability to conduct research, has the ability to structure their presentation results, obtains a wide professional knowledge of the industry, and displays a high standard of ethics within the study of art and science.