Certified Evaluation
International Accreditation EQUIS

Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University has been granted the international accreditation by EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System). EQUIS is offered by EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), an international non-profit organization based in Brussels that is dedicated to management development. As a comprehensive quality review system for business and management schools, EQUIS assesses the quality of business schools in 10 key areas (Context, Governance & Strategy, Programmes, Students, Faculty, Research & Development, Executive Education, Resources & Administration, Internationalisation, Ethics, Responsibility & Sustainability, and Connections with Practice). This accreditation assures that we are a business school of the highest international standards. Going forward, we will work to further improve the quality of the school, as well as prepare for the rigorous peer-review reaccreditation process.
- October, 2019: Joined the EFMD membership
- November, 2021: Obtained Eligibility
- October, 2022: Submitted the Datasheet and Self-Assessment Report
- November – December, 2022: Reviewed by a team of peer reviewers (Online Peer Review)
- May, 2023: Granted 3-year EQUIS accreditation
EFMD Global HP
Accredited by General Incorporated Association ABEST21, a Business School Accreditation Organization

According to the Basic Act on Education administered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), graduate schools of business administration are required to be evaluated and accredited by external organizations once every five years. GSM has been accredited by THE ALLIANCE ON BUSINESS EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FOR TOMORROW, a 21st century organization (ABEST21) three times in a row:
- AY 2010 Received accreditation for the first time since being established in April 2006.
- AY 2015 Renewed accreditation for the second time with Excellent ratings.
- AY 2020 Renewed accreditation for the third time with Excellent ratings.