Donations and Funds

  • For Individuals and Corporations
    Considering Donating
  • To Individuals and Corporations
    Considering Endowed Courses
    and Lectures

The Graduate School of Management (GSM), Kyoto University, accepts donations from individuals and corporations. The donations we receive are used for the school’s educational and research activities and provide valuable financial resources for our activities. Our school’s philosophy is “to foster a diverse and well-balanced global society by developing an educational system that bridges the gap between cutting-edge management research and highly specialized practice, and by educating leaders who can play essential roles in a wide range of fields.” Guided by this philosophy we will continue to do our best to contribute to society through our educational and research activities.
Your support would be much appreciated.

※Donations to GSM are tax deductible under the Corporate and Income Tax Laws. Please click here for details.

Donations to individual faculty members to support their research and educational activities

Donations can be made to individual GSM faculty members. If you wish to make such a donation, please directly contact the faculty member.

Donations to GSM

Donations can be made to GSM in small amounts, and without specifying a specific research project.

Making a donation

※Donations can be made through the GSM Educational Research Fund. Please click “Donate to this project” on this page and specify the payment method.

How the GSM Educational Research Support Fund will be used

  • Educational support: enhancement of facilities and supplies
  • Research support: implementation of symposiums and lectures
  • Hiring: faculty and staff to support educational research
  • Alumni collaborations, activities with alumni and with the Alumni Association

GSM Educational Research Support Fund activity report

In accordance with Kyoto University’s regulations, i.e., “Kyoto University Endowed Courses and Endowed Research Divisions Regulations” (“Endowed Courses Regulations”), Kyoto University establishes new courses and research divisions on its own initiative, and conducts educational activities with funds donated by companies and other organizations, based on the donor’s wishes as to how the donation will be used.
If you are interested in making this kind of donation, please contact the relevant faculty member directly.