Kyoto University (KU) – University of Transport and Communications (UTC) Joint Training Course for Road Infrastructure Asset Management / Transportation Planning was held at UTC on September 22nd-24th, 2011, being organized by Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University and University of Transport and Communications, and co-organized by Center for Research in Business Administration, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. Road construction and maintenance is a common issue to be seen in Asian countries. In Vietnam, it is also becoming a public concern to collect data of road conditions, construct a database and establish a proper scheme for road maintenance. The lecturers of the training course of road infrastructure asset management was as follows: Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Prof. Hirotaka Kawano, Prof. Katsunori Sawai from Graduate School of Management, Prof. Hiroyasu Ohtsu, Assoc. Prof. Tomoki Shiotani from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Assoc. Prof. Kiyoyuki Kaito from Osaka University, Kazuhide Sawada from Gifu University, Prof. Nguyen Viet Trung and Mr.Nguyen Dinh Thao from UTC, Dr. Nam Le Thanh from ETH, Dr.Keizo Kamiya and Mr.Keiichi Aoki from Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co. Ltd., Dr. Yasuto Sakai from Hanshin Expressway Co. Ltd., Dr. Kazuya Aoki from PASCO Corporation and Mr. Tsuneo Kato from Katahira & Engineers International. The fifteen lectures were conducted in total; in addition, the lecture about trial of asset management system “Kyoto Model” was conducted to take into account of the JICA project “Project for Capacity Enhancement in Road Maintenance which started from July 1st, 2011. About thirty participants joined this summer course and made a discussion for the implementation of road asset management in Vietnam. The drastic economic development in Vietnam increases the importance of transportation planning. The joint training course of transportation planning aims to provide basic knowledge about transportation planning, such as the basic concepts, cost-benefit analysis, and implementation scheme for transportation services. The lecturers of the training course of transportation planning are as follows: Prof.Kobayashi from Graduate School of Management, Assoc. Prof. Kakuya Matsushima, Assoc. Prof. Kim Kwangmoon, Assist. Prof. Masamitsu Onishi and Assist. Prof. Mamoru Yoshida from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Mr. Ly Huy Tuan from Vietnamese Ministry of Transport, Mr. Nguyen Trong Hiep from UTC, Mr. Yuichiro Senda from Chuo Fukken Consultants Co.Ltd., Mr. Chin Kar Keong from Perunding Trafik Klasik Sdn Bhd. The fifteen lecturers were conducted in three days, and the officers of Ministry of Transport, young researchers and students of UTC mainly participated and discussed practical issues for the implementation of transportation planning.
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