【Brief Overview】 Organized by Resecrch in Business Administraion, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
Speaker: Mr. Hector Salazar:Manager, Social Sector, Inter-American Development Bank Mr.Toru Shikibu:Representative in Asia, Inter-American Development Bank
Title:”Introduction to IDB: Reducing Inequality in Latin America”.
Summary: “This presentation analyzes changes in inequality in Latin America in the last decade. It first shows that there have been dramatic declines in income inequality: Between 2003 and 2013, the Gini coefficient for the region as a whole fell from .56 to .51. Evidence suggests that these changes in income inequality were driven by two underlying causes: A decline in the rates of return to education (especially university education) and an increase in expenditures on redistributive programs (in particular, conditional cash transfers and non-contributory pensions). In addition, there have been declines in inequality in various measures of human capital, including school enrollment and infant mortality. The presentation concludes with a brief discussion of the challenges ahead and policy priorities: lower growth rates will limit the ability of governments to increase social expenditures, and there continue to be persistent problems remain in the quality (as opposed to the coverage) of education and health services in the region. The lecture will be preceded by brief introduction of the Inter-American Development Bank”
【Date】 June 2, 2015 10:30-12:00
【Eligible Person】 Students and Staff
【Venue】 Case Study Seminar Room, 3F, Research Bldg. No.2, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
【Leading Person】 Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi
【Admission Fee】 Free
【Registration】 Please e-mail at sakai.yuko.5s[@]kyoto-u.ac.jp if you participate.
【Contact】 Please e-mail at sakai.yuko.5s[@]kyoto-u.ac.jp if you have any questions regarding the Global Business lecture.