Resilience Studies Endowed Chair Adjunct Associate ProfessorAyu MIYAKAWA

- 【Specialized Fields】
- Public Policy, Urban planning, Transportation Planning
- 【Background】
- Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Resilience Research Unit, in Kyoto University ,2017- present.
Assistant Professor in Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Management ,2013-2017.
Ph.D., in Engineering, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Management, 2013.
- 【Publications】
- A study on formation process of nation's trust toward government that implements public works, Infrastructure planning review, Vol.24, No., pp.121-129, 2007.
Practical study toward the continuing evolution of mobility management education, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Ser. H (Engineering Education and Practice) Vol.71, No.1, pp.70-77, 2015.
Study on effects of consumer behavior on regional economy, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management), Vol.72, No.5, pp.I_393-I_405, 2016.
- 【Message】
- My research interest focuses on theories and methods for consensus building, which is essential for public policy making and implementing public projects.