Green Entrepreneurship Studies GSM Distinguished ProfessorSachio SEMMOTO

- 【Specialized Fields】
- Also known as a serial entrepreneur and innovator in the Japanese telecommunications industry, he specializes in launching new businesses and ventures.
- 【Background】
- B.S. (Electronics Engineering), Kyoto University. Ph.D.(Electronics Engineering), University of Florida, USA. After working for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (now NTT), he co-founded DDI Corporation (now KDDI) with Kyocera President Kazuo Inamori in 1984. In 1995, he became a professor at Keio University, Graduate School.
He later founded eAccess, a broadband venture, and eMobile (now Y! mobile), a broadband mobile company. He is a long-time Representative Director of both companies. Since 2015, he has been leading Green Revolution as Chairman of the Board of the environmental venture Renova Inc. He has served on the boards of several Silicon Valley excellence companies, including NetApp, and on the board of Reuters, the world's largest news agency. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University, and a visiting fellow at Stanford University.
He has been involved in the startup and business management of many ventures with his extensive entrepreneurial and management experience and broad global network. In addition, the following social activities have been undertake. The first is as president of the Semmoto Foundation, which provides scholarships to economically disadvantaged young people from Asia-Pacific countries for study and research at universities in Japan, with the aim of training them to become future leaders of their countries.
Next, he is also the president of the General Association for Walking with Children, which provides financial and emotional support for children who have been severely abused. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers of America, a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, and a past Vice President of the Japan Venture Society.
- 【Publications】
- “Seize your miraculous chance in a thousand now!” (Sunmark Publishing)
“The Revolution of Something Worth While”(Seisyun Publishing)
『「報われない努力」はない ―「絶対成功しない」と言われたときが、最大のチャンスである 』(ごま書房)
“The MBA style of starting a business”(PHP interface)
『会社をやめて会社をつくる ― 無理しない、赤字を出さない起業法』(光文社)
『ブロードバンド革命への道 ― DDI、イー・アクセスの挑戦』(経済界)
“Serial Entrepreneur -the Secrets of Dr. Sachio Semmoto’s Management Philosophy” (経済界)
“Wisdom for entrepreneurs to success”(生産性出版)
- 【Message】
- A life worth living, in my opinion, is one that sets creative goals and boldly takes risks and challenges. Such a life is 100 times more valuable than a life that chooses only stability and safety. I started from scratch and went through storms in a much smaller boat and turned it into a giant ship. I have been through many disasters and hardships. Because I have gone through such a process, I have advice that I can offer, and I would like to be of help to future young people who have dreams of supporting Japan in the future.