
Urban/Regional Management Adjunct ProfessorMasahiro INADA

【Specialized Fields】
Port policy
International Logistics System Strategy
Graduated from Kyushu University. Worked as Director-General of Port and Airport Research Institute, Tohoku Regional Development Bureau (MLIT) and Chubu Regional Development Bureau (MLIT). Currently, Director-General of Ports and Harbours Bureau (MLIT).
*MLIT: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Masahiro INADA: Research on seismic measures for wide areas such as ports and airports, Kyushu University, Ph.D. (Engineering), 2019.
Because Japan is an island with limited resource, ports are essential to the Japanese economy, accounting for 99.6% of the trade volume. We will study the forefront of port policy, and how to respond to social issues such as economic security and decarbonization through port administration.