Rosmalini Harahap
International Project Management Course (IPROMAC)
The Reason Why You Chose GSM

After spending 6 years working in two different multinationals companies in Indonesia, I decided to pursue an MBA degree in order to improve and challenge myself. I choose GSM at Kyoto University since they are offering International Project Management (IPROMAC) which is taught in English. Besides the prestigious name of Kyoto University, this IPROMAC program is quite unique for me. This program providing not only common subjects related to Finance, Economics, Strategy, etc, but also offers some subjects related to Project Management. Furthermore, some lecturers are coming from Engineering background, which made me more confident since I studied Electronics and Instrumentation in my undergraduate.
What You Learned at GSM
I took more classes than I need to graduate and also became an audit student for some other classes. The main reason was that I found it interesting and it was too good to miss. Some people may think that somehow I did something unnecessary, but for me it was my chance to meet and get different insights from GSM lecturers, visiting Professors, guest lecturers and even from different classmates. I studied various subjects that were relatively new to me, e.g Strategy, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurship, etc. And for my workshop, I did a ‘real’consulting project, by collaborating with one Catering company in Osaka.
The Reason Why You Chose Your Career Plan
From those various subjects that I took, made me more open to some career possibilities that I will take after graduation. I.e consulting job, continue to Ph.D. program and even become an entrepreneur. In my second year, I took courses on Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship, that gave a big impact in my future plan, at least until now. In the future, I want to set up my own social enterprise related to my home country Indonesia. Before that, now I am still applying for a job on international companies, in order to gain more experiences in managerial and build more network.
What Impressed You About GSM
In this IPROMAC program, we have to take two workshop subjects in the second year, 4 credits in total. I choose a consultant project for my workshop which I never experience before. This workshop almost took half of my time in those two semesters, since I worked with a real company in Japan, which is mean that I have to give all the best I can do. In the end I got the Best Workshop Award for my Halal Business Growth Strategy project, furthermore, I had chances to present it to Japan Halal Industry Organization members, Kyoto Industrial Support Organization 21 also in the Business Analysis workshop in Taiwan. I think it was a great opportunity for me to experience both practical and academic things in this course.
Extracurricular Activities You Have Done
I always like traveling, and I couldn’t help to restrain myself from exploring Japan in every single chance that comes. So when GSM offered local internship programs without a doubt I immediately decided to take part. The local internship program will allow us to interact with the local student in Amakusa and Nichinan city. I found it interesting because at the same time I could get to know about Japan directly by interacting with the local and exploring some part of Japan which is far from Kyoto.
Kyoto itself has many world-class tourist attractions that made me can not just stay at home whenever I had time to spare.
Message for Prospective Students
During my study in GSM, meeting friends from various countries and being taught by so many excellent Professors, is becoming one of the best experiences in my life so far.I will highly recommend you who really want to challenge yourself with very dynamic study environment to come to GSM.