Class of 2018, Service Value Creation Program(Currently:Service&Hospitality Program)
The leading advertising agency
The Reason Why You Chose GSM
I have studied in the faculty of engineering. However, I found myself strongly attached to the study of design, fashion, art and start up business. I want to be more professional in the area of fashion and business, which makes me to enroll in MBA course at Kyoto University. In this course, not only I learned all the fundamental knowledge about business, but I attended several projects studying the creation of new businesses and service design. It was the best place to explore my talents. Students are allowed to choose freely the contents of study according to their interests, and they can take the classes given by teachers and executives with various business experiences. This is why Kyoto University is so attractive for me.
What You Learned at GSM
I studied a lot of theories and principles from fundamental classes, and from specialized class, I learnt how to connect theories and practical business. I was able to deepen my knowledge about marketing, branding and start up business, and finance. And through group discussions, I could sharpen my mind and know my strengths, trying my best to cooperate with partners and make achievements. Everyday is challenging for me. Beyond that I devoted myself into creating new business in the area of fashion and art. For my graduation research, I designed the service provided in an apparel shop using ethnomethodology, which taught me the difficulty of making prototype and testing it.
The Reason Why You Chose Your Career Plan
I felt the importance of art and design in this modern city filled with various values and information. People were seeking material comforts before, while now more and more people are valuing spiritual welfare, like experience and high senses. At GSM, I studied lots of business cases, realizing one can not success only with business theory. Being creative is important. I utilized methodology and design thinking in my research, and with this creative way of thinking I could make good achievements. The reason why I chose the company Hakuhodo also in that I can create values as a creative.
What Impressed You About GSM
I have discussed many times with my teacher and project members to make prototype and design service. I was given the chance by the owner of the apparel brand to do experiments in the shop.
In addition I discussed business ideas with my friends everyday, devoting myself into creating new business based on the unmet needs in the world. Because we both accepted the fundamental classes at school, it helped us communicate with each other smoothly.
And everyday, some classmates get together in the classroom, studying, discussing and playing games, which impressed me the most. I felt the strong connection existing among the classmates.
Extracurricular Activities You Have Done
Not only I have provided advices to my friend’s business, but I learn to design interface, logo and personal site.
I also attended business contest related with fintech at Tokyo, thinking a new business and presenting my ideas to practitioners. Furthermore I helped design the booth at school festival. Our classmates made budget plan and executed profits distribution, stock management utilizing the knowledge studied at GSM. During the school life, I also had time to accumulate the knowledge about fashion and art and start ups.
Recently I attended the 55th sendenkaigi contest and was awarded for the creative copies.
Message for Prospective Students
At GSM, you can meet with a lot of people with various personalities. Studying with the people of different ages and from different backgrounds, you are given the chance to know yourself and draw your own future.
In the class you can study both fundamental and practical knowledge, which you can apply to the real world. If you have enough passion, you are provided with many chances to learn new knowledge and develop yourself.
Through group works, those people with working experience will get to know the ideas and trends of students today, and those students will get chances to learn from elders. The life at GSM will definitely bring you with colorful and unforgettable experiences.