Andrey Kusuma
Class of 2020, International Project Management Course (IPROMAC)
The Reason Why You Chose GSM

When I consider a place to go for my further education, I always look into their curriculum and their faculty staff. For an MBA program, I believe it is very important for the student to learn a practical knowledge which they can use immediately in their workplace. I found out that MBA program on Graduate School of Management in Kyoto University provide a unique approach where they combine the practical knowledge and research. A lot of the course taught by a person with professional experience background. My Project Finance class were taught by real professional from JBIC – Japanese institution which provide Project Finance facility for many Projects in the world, Corporate Finance class taught by Professor from Mizuho which is one of the largest bank in Japan, etc. And if you want to do research project, you can do it in the Workshop. This is the reason I choose GSM.
What You Learned at GSM
I have learned a lot of valuable things during my study in GSM especially from classes which taught by the real professional. I really enjoy the practical learning provided in many classes. For example, in ‘Business Negotiation’ class I learn the theoretical framework how to systemically prepare for the negotiation, what strategy to use during negotiation, and how to reflect the deal after the negotiation. We were doing countless negotiation simulation during the class. Not only with the classmates, sometimes with the student from another University. One of the interesting part is when I was doing negotiation simulation with student from business school in Germany through Skype. Due to time differences, we have to agree on some time to do the negotiation simulation. The negotiation is already start even before the real negotiation begin. Many other classes also provide the similar practical study like this which I really enjoy.
The Reason Why You Chose Your Career Plan
I started my career as a Project Engineer who works in several construction projects. When I was assigned in a Project Management role, I was being challenged to see projects in a broader point of view. GSM help me to see the project in a broader and holistic way. It helped me to preparing myself better for a negotiation through the negotiation course. It prepares me to manage my construction contract better to avoid dispute, and also settle the conflict. My Project Finance course provide me with insight about the concern of the creditor about various risk in project which could help me to prepare the project to be more attractive for creditors. And there’s much more. I am choosing career in project management field because I believe wherever and whenever development is happening, there will always be an opportunity for project management or program management role in the organization.
What Impressed You About GSM
I am impressed by the variety of the course available which taught in English. All of the IPROMAC courses is taught in English and you can finish the program by taking courses from Graduate School of Management (GSM) only. However, if you hold more passion for knowledge, you can always take courses outside GSM.
In many years, Kyoto University have invite many renowned researchers from around the world to do research in various topics in Kyoto University. Besides doing their research, in many occasions, they also giving lecture on various subject which you can join. The only thing you need is interest and curiosity. For example, I was taking ‘R for data analysis’ course in another department during my study. The course turns out to become very useful in my research.
Not just that, periodically GSM also invite various prominent individual and leaders as speaker on a lecture to provide insight about recent development and issues in the world. I was able to attend the lecture from Vice President of the World Bank Group. It was a great chance to develop your insight and for networking event.
Extracurricular Activities You Have Done
My activity outside classes is just as interesting as my daily classes. I was able to participate in ‘The Negotiation Challenge’, an international negotiation competition for graduate students around the world. It’s like a World Cup for negotiation. On the event, I had the opportunity to meet and compete with some of the brightest students from leading universities around the world and build the connection with them. It was a really great experience and I believe it would provide a significant advantage for my future career.
Another exciting experience I’ve done out of classes was join the internship from the Graduate School of Management as an English teaching volunteer. On the internship, we went to Amakusa and Nichinan (Tottori) for teaching English to elementary school and junior high school students. On one day, we participated on the English day event held by the local government to promote English education to Japanese students, where we required to introduce our Country and able to play some games together. On another day, we were able to participate in the classroom study activity where we encourage students to learn English and use it more in daily activities. Overall it was a very fun experience.
Message for Prospective Students
I know that choosing a place for further education is a major decision in life. So, why not choosing Graduate School of Management in Kyoto University. Here, you can have a wonderful life – study balance. You will study in one of the best university in Japan and benefit from their high quality teaching. And at the same time, you can enjoy living in a lovely Kyoto city. My favorite thing from studying here is: when I feel tired from all that time I have spent on research, or from those stack of assignment and report from my instructor, I don’t need to go to a far place to refresh myself. Kyoto have unparalleled collection of palaces, temples, shrines, and places to visit. It is the home of 14 historic sites inscribed on UNESCO world heritage list. And it also hosting some of the most popular festival in Japan like: Aoi Matsuri, Gion Matsuri, and Jidai Matsuri. For me, my time spent studying in here is one of the best moment in my life. So, just come and be part of us.