
Information May 24, 2019

2019.6.4 “Knowledge” for the Future: Lesson from Management and Education Fields

【Brief Overview】
In this joint seminar, from the professional fields of education and management, we will look into accumulated knowledge and recently created knowledge gained in the practical places of these academic fields, and we will verify the value of such knowledge. Then, we will also discuss the following 3 aspects: the practical knowledge to be gained towards the coming era, an educational system that creates such knowledge, and related resources and capabilities we need to have, by the integration of educational/management science.

 ●14:30-14:40 Opening Remarks
  Dean.Prof. Yoshinori Hara Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
  Dean. Prof. Kyoko Inagaki Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
  Prof. Asli M. Colpan Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
  ”Business Groups in the West: Origins, Evolution and Resilience”
  Prof. Alexander J. Wulf SRH Hochschule Berlin
  ”Risk and the Unknown in Managerial Decision Making a Comparative Study”
 ●16:00-16:10 Break
  Assoc. Prof. Yutaka Yamauchi Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
  ”Performativity of Tradition: Design of Kaiseki Cuisine”
  Prof. Takashi Kusumi Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
  ”Lifelong Development and Transfer of Practical Intelligence:Learning and Unlearning at School and in the Workplace.”
 ●17:30-17:50 Panel Discussion
 ●17:50-18:00 Closing Remarks

【Date and Time】

 Clock Tower
 Centennial Hall International Conference Hall I

 Faculty, Staff, Researchers and Students

【Leading Person】
 Professor Yoshinori Hara

【Admission fee】

ws 20190604 qr ja 次世代に求められる知

 Advanced registration requested by May 31st.
 Please register HERE:

 Global Education Office
 E-mail: globalevent[at]