
経営研究センター 特命教授Daniel Hjorth

Entrepreneurship, Management Philosophy, Organization Theory, Creativity and Innovation, Aesthetics and Organization
Entrepreneurship and Organisation at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and holds a fractional position at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, the UK. He is the Editor-in-Chief for Organization Studies and serves on several Editorial Review Boards. He has developed a European School of Entrepreneurship Research and publishes in organisation studies- and management journals on organisational creativity, entrepreneurship, family business, start-ups and incubation, and philosophy and business.
Helin, J., Hernes, T., Hjorth, D., and Holt, R. (Eds) (2014) Oxford handbook on Process Philosophy and Organization Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hjorth, D., Strati, A., Drakopoulou Dodd, S., Weik, E. (2018) Organisational Creativity, Play, and Entrepreneurship, Organization Studies, 39(2-3): 155-168.
Austin, R., Hjorth, D., and Hessel, S. (2017) “How aesthetics and economy become conversant in creative firms,” Organization Studies, online first, Oct. 2017.
Hjorth, D. and Dawson, A. (2016) “The burden of history in the family business organization,” Organization Studies, 37(8): 1089-1111.
In late 2016 I initiated a collaboration between Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Kyoto University (KU) (Graduate Schools of Design and Management) on the topic of ‘Design Entrepreneurship’. On that basis we have continued throughout 2017 and onwards to exchange ideas and mutually nourish research projects in KU and CBS. I look very much forward to extending this collaboration and to work with my KU-colleagues to build up a supportive environment for PhD-students and faculty on each side.