【Event Number】
・This event is not subject to the point system.
【Brief Overview】
This event is the luncheon networking party to celebrate the graduates and welcome newcomers.
Details are below;
Speech (Dean, Prof.. Asli Colpan, and Akiko MURAI, President of Alumni Associations)
Graduation speech of excellent international student
Lunch and Refreshment
Traditional Japanese performing arts. “Noh”
Demonstration of Bar and Japanese Tea Ceremony by GSM people
【Eligible Person】
All students, alumni, faculty members, and staff
International Conference Hall Ⅱ&Ⅲ, 2nd Floor, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Yoshida main campus, Yoshida Hommachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Japan.
(No.3 building on the map: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/main-campus-map)
【Leading Person】
Professor Naoki WAKABAYASHI
【Participation Fee】
Alumni, Faculty & Staff, Ph.D Students: ¥5,000-
Current and New MBA Students: ¥500-
Accompanying person (Over 12 years old): ¥5,000-
Please register and make payment via Peatix.com.
Deadline: March 4, 2024, 18:00
Secretariat of GSM Alumni Association
(Please change *to@ )
【Related Events】
Farewell Seminar by Departing Faculty Members
1) Speakers: Dr. Satoshi SHIMADA, Prof. Keiji MURAKAMI, and Prof. Yoshikazu MAEGAWA, GSM, Kyoto University
2) Date: 11:30-12:30. March 24.
3) Venue: International Conference HallⅠ, 2nd Floor, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
4) Registration: Not required