
Event Events for Students Apr 23, 2021

英語講義: 妙心寺春光院 副住職 川上全龍「外国人に禅の心を解く」Special Lecture from Tourism and Tradition of Kyoto “English Lecture on Zen mindfulness”

Date:Dec 5, 2019 16:30 〜 18:00

【Event Number】

This event is for point.

“Point” will be issued, if a one page report is submitted to the address below within a week.
・To: itou.mio.4s* (Replace @ with *)
・Title: “Zen”

 Rev. Taka Kawakami,Deputy Head Priest at Shunkoin Temple, Search Inside Yourself Engage Program, Mindfulness Teacher, Researcher at Doshisha University’s Well-being Research Center, Author, the U.S.-Japan Leadership Program Delegate, TEDx Speaker, Ally, and Seattle Seahawks Fan


【Eligible Person】
 GSM Students

 Multimedeia Lecture Room(3rd floor, Research Bldg No.2)

【Admission Fee】


【Leading Person】
 特定教授 前川 佳一
 Professor Yoshikazu Maegawa

 To: itou.mio.4s* (Replace @ with *)
Title: “Zen”

 *more detail