Business Administration ChairsAdjunct ProfessorHirotaka KAWANO (Kyoto University Professor, Emeritus)
【Specialized Fields】
Operation and Maintenance of Infrastructure
Graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty and Graduate School of Engineering. PhD (Engineering). Worked for the Public Works Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction prior to professorship at Kyoto University. Chairman of Domestic Mirror Committee for ISO/TC251
; General Member of Concrete Committee, Japan Society of Civil Engineers; and others.
Understanding Cracks of Concrete (joint authorship), Cement Journal Co., Ltd., 2003; and others.
The time to create infrastructure has changed into a time to use infrastructure. How to operate, manage, and take advantage of infrastructure is an issue that is directly linked to the future management of the nation. Yet the technologies from hardware to software that correspond to this issue are still immature. Let us think about the larger theme of the operation and maintenance of infrastructure together.