
Endowed Chairs Adjunct ProfessorShuichi KAMATA

【Specialized Fields】
Urban Planning, Urban Development, Urban Environment and Energy
Graduated from the Waseda University Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Ph.D(engineering). Entered the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and held positions such as Director-General, City Development Bureau of Niigata City, Director for Facilities Planning Coordination (MLIT), Deputy Mayor of Utsunomiya City and other posts. Since June 2022, Director for Urban Development and Improvement Division, urban Bureau MLIT.
"About Low-carbon City development guidance" City Planning Review (2010), "About the research of urban reconstruction method for tsunami-affected area" Shin toshi (2011), "Energy network area and urban development" District Heating & Cooling (2014), others
We face many changes, for example rapid decline in population, low birth rate and aging, and global warming. For this reason, I think the direction of urban development necessitates change. Let's consider, for sustainable urban development, how to use the resources of urban development.