International Project Management Course (IPROMAC) - Main Representative in Class of 2018
PwC Consulting LLC.
The Reason Why You Chose GSM

The main reason why I chose GSM is that I can acquire knowledge and skills necessary to actualize smooth project management and also broaden my perspectives to the globe while staying in Japan. In addition, it is very attractive for me to nurture my mindset to management layer through business practice courses in GSM.
Staying in Japan is very important for me because I am so certain that I would face with Japanese clients striving to expand their businesses internationally in my career as a consultant. Fulfilling my perspectives of both Japanese and international business environments would be the best way to add value to my future clients.
What You Learned at GSM
In GSM, I have learned essential knowledge and capabilities such as project management based upon PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and risk management for business strategies. Nowadays, we ordinally hear those kinds of business terminologies, but do not exactly know how to implement them efficiently in the real world. GSM has brought opportunities to acquire how to apply knowledge and capabilities to practical businesses through various case studies, so students would be able to take advantage of what they have learned after graduation.
Especially in IPROMAC, there are so many chances for us to discuss a large variety of topics with others from all over the world, and thus we could share viewpoints of international project management.
The Reason Why You Chose Your Career Plan
I chose to restart my career as a consultant since I was very confident in adding long-term value to companies with all knowledge and skills I have acquired in GSM and my experience as a consultant prior to studying in GSM.
What Impressed You About GSM
Case studies successfully develops a close relationship between academic and business standpoints. In the real world, only academic standpoint cannot advance business strategies. Professors in GSM are always looking at both standpoints, and thus students will not place disproportionate weight on only one standpoint.
Moreover, GSM offers precious experience even in the seminars out of classes. For instance, some CEOs and top management from Japanese companies perform extremely well in the world taught students what are necessary to compete and win in the global market. Not only can students receive sophisticated education under GSM, but they also can have unforgettable experiences.
Extracurricular Activities You Have Done

I mainly devote my time out of classes to two things: 1) running a small business and 2) staying with my family.
1) Running a Small Business
I have been thinking to practice what I have learned in GSM in real business, so I started a small business while studying in GSM. Before starting the business, I carefully prepared business plans and constructed value-chain for the business. After the start-up of the business, I succeeded in increasing sales and profits by implementing selection and concentration of business resources and also managing profits time after time.
2) Staying with My Family
As long as I can control my time, I have been trying to stay with my wife and daughter. I strongly believe that I am the only one father attended all the events in my daughter’s kindergarten. When I was taking paternity leave in my previous job, I noticed that having much time with my family is very important and precious. So, even after graduation, I will strive to take my time and stay with my family.
Message for Prospective Students
GSM gives progressive improvement and infinite possibilities in your life to you if you think 2-years in GSM would be great investments in your career and also you can actively learn everything. It is certain that you can acquire knowledge from various classes and perspectives from others with different backgrounds under GSM. You really have to think about what you want to do in your future, or you will easily lose your precious 2-years.
Finally, in IPROMAC, all classes are offered in English, and almost all of the students are from outside of Japan (I am actually the only one Japanese student in the class of 2018), but Japanese are also welcome to IPROMAC. I strongly believe that GSM is the best place for you to study and grow if you would like to perform brilliantly all over the world in your bright future. Let’s get started on your new career in GSM!