
Faculty Jun 4, 2021

AY2021 GSM’s New Faculty Members: Senior Lecturer Yoshiaki AMANO

Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, welcomes six new full-time faculty members this year.
We are delighted to introduce the unique members individually.

Senior Lecturer Yoshiaki AMANO

Finance and Accounting Program

Subjects: Financial Accounting, Accounting Workshop

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University in 2012, I worked for two management consulting firms (Accenture and Bain & Company). I returned to Kyoto University in 2016, and earned a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Economics in March, 2021. Subsequently, I was appointed to the current position in April, 2021.

【Research interests】
My field of study is financial accounting. My specialty is the relationship between firms’ accounting information and their behaviors such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A). While M&A in Japan have increased of late, many deals are regarded as “failures.” I have worked as a management consultant on many M&A projects and am aware of various problems. Now as a researcher I focus on how to increase the success rate of M&A conducted by firms in Japan.

【Outside interests】
My extracurricular interests include watching sports. When on business trips, I try to visit local stadiums. In the past year, however, travel has been restricted due to the pandemic. I wish the situation gets better soon so that we can enjoy watching games in stadiums once again.

Oracle Park (San Francisco)
Volksparkstadion (Hamburg)

I am saddened that students have been suffering for over a year due to the restrictions on activities in-campus because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I have had first-hand experience of this as when the pandemic began, I myself was an exchange student in the U.S., and regrettably had to come back to Japan earlier than scheduled and continue the program online. Now, as a lecturer, I wish to offer meaningful lectures to students facing a similar situation.
We experience various inconveniences and hardships while conducting research and studying under this “new normal.” At the same time, however, I feel there are many things the new situation has made possible or easier to do. I hope students perceive this situation positively and actively try new things.

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