
イベント告知 教員主催/学生向け 2022.12.02 (金)

Management Seminar: Vertical R&D alliance formation and reconfiguration of the global value chain: Upstream suppliers’ perspective

日時:2022.12.14 (水) 13:15 - 14:45


【Event Number】

This is an event to provide a point.
Please send the brief report to tomoki[at]econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) including the following:
(1) The summary of the presentation, and (2) Your thoughts on the presentation.

【Brief Overview】
Yoo Jung Ha (Lecturer, Sheffield University Management School)

About the speaker:
Dr. Yoo Jung Ha is a Lecturer in International Business Strategy at the Sheffield University Management School. She is also a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) visiting fellow at the School of Commerce, Waseda University, in 2022. Yoo Jung holds a PhD (Alliance Manchester Business School) and an MPhil (University of Oxford). She previously worked for the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, the Government of South Korea, and the International Labor Organization. Her work has been published in journals such as the British Journal of Management and Journal of Business Research, among others, and she co-edited a book on The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies. She received British Academy-Leverhulme Research Grant in 2016-2017 and Best Paper Award at the AIB (UK&Ireland) Conference in 2018.

When a lead firm is undertaking business model innovation, it invites selected upstream production partners from its global value chain (GVC) into its R&D alliance network. Our analysis, based on data about automotive GVCs, shows that an upstream partner’s attractiveness as an alliance partner increases with its breadth of knowledge capital, whether within-domain or cross-domain. The positive effect of within-domain knowledge capital is attenuated by long-term ties it has formed within the GVC, but is strengthened by any cross-border ties it can offer. While the joint effects of knowledge and social capital are salient on a company’s within-domain knowledge capital, such effects do not apply to cross-domain knowledge capital. Our study has implications for dynamic changes in GVCs that relax some long-standing norms of GVC design.

【Eligible Person】
Students of GSM


Hybrid (in-person/on-line) : Seminar room 105 on 1F, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, East Bldg., Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University and Online (Zoom)

【Leading Person】
Professor Tomoki Sekiguchi

【Admission Fee】

If you would like to participate in this seminar regardless of whether you will join in-person/online, please register yourself from the weblink below: Due date; December 13th, 2022 (Tue)

Professor Tomoki Sekiguchi, Graduate School of Management
tomoki[at]econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace [at] with @)