
イベント告知 教員主催/研究会講演等 2023.09.22 (金)

Management Seminar: The entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship among new technology-based firms: Evidence from East Asia

日時:2023.10.05 (木) 15:00 - 16:30

場所:総合研究2号館 3階 ケーススタディ演習室



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Most extant research on the performance implications of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has focused on established firms and on firm-specific and organizational factors. We study the performance effects of EO sub-dimensions on the performance of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) and by examining environmental uncertainty, which is related to national institutional development, as an important boundary condition in an East Asian context. We analyze survey data from 2,023 new technology-based firms (NTBFs) in China, South Korea and Japan and find that while the NTBFs’ performance is positively related to their entrepreneurial behavior, it is negatively related to their managerial attitude towards risk-taking. Furthermore, the positive performance effect of entrepreneurial behavior is weakened by environmental uncertainty, which is higher in China than in South Korea and Japan. Our findings suggest that for NTBFs, the performance implications of EO dimensions need to be studied separately.

Martin Hemmert Professor of International Business, Korea University

About the speaker:
Dr. Martin Hemmert is Professor of International Business at Korea University. He received his doctoral degree at the University of Cologne and has held research and teaching positions at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the National University of Singapore, and Hitotsubashi University. His research interests include international comparative studies of management systems, innovation systems and entrepreneurial ecosystems, organizational boundaries of firms and inter-organizational research collaborations, with a focus on East Asian countries. He has published several books, including most recently Entrepreneurship in Korea: From Chaebols to Start-ups (Routledge, 2021), and more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed international journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Research Policy, and Technovation.

総合研究2号館3F ケーススタディ演習室


経営管理大学院 大学院生

教授 関口 倫紀



経営管理大学院教授 関口 倫紀