

H28.9.12-13 The 2nd CHINA – JAPAN JOINT WORKSHOP ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT GOVERNANCE -Formal and Informal Governance in Infrastructure Projects

【概要/Brief Overview】


A construction project involves different players such as project owners, principal and sub contractors, consultants. Successful projects require those players who are motivated to make decisions contributing to the quality of work. There have been emerging issues on public procurement commonly or differently observed in Japan and in China.
This workshop intends to contribute to the body of knowledge of construction project governance. Our interests include explicit institutions such as public procurement system and contract as well as implicit institutions such as relational contract, business customs, cultures.

2016年9月12日(月)、13日(火) 9:00~12:00
September 12(Mon), 13(Tue), 2016

【対象/Eligible Person】
For Researchers and Students

京都大学経営管理大学院 総合研究2号館 3F ケーススタディ演習室
Case Study Seminar Room, 3F, Research Bldg. No.2, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University

【担当教員/Leading Person】
教授:小林 潔司
Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi

【参加費/Admission Fee】

参加ご希望の方は①氏名(フリガナ)、②所属・学年をご記入の上、タイトルを「The 2nd CHINA – JAPAN JOINT WORKSHOP 」として、
経営研究センター 中本(nakamoto@gsm.kyoto-u.ac.jp)までメールでお申し込みください。
Please e-mail at nakamoto@gsm.kyoto-u.ac.jp if you would like to participate in the 2nd China-Japan Joint Workshop.