
受賞 2022.12.13

2022.12.9 博士後期課程の渡邉文隆 氏がthe AIB Asia Pacific 2022 Chapter ConferenceでBest PhD Dissertation Proposal Award 第3位を受賞しました

渡邉文隆 氏

経営管理大学院 博士後期課程の渡邉文隆 氏が、12月9日にthe AIB Asia Pacific 2022 Chapter ConferenceでBest PhD Dissertation Proposal Award 第3位を受賞しました。AIB(Academy of International Business)は、国際ビジネスの研究者が集う世界有数のコミュニティです。渡邉文隆 氏は2023年3月に卒業予定で、論文のタイトルは “A study on digital fundraising strategies for nonprofit organizations”(非営利組織におけるデジタル資金調達戦略に関する研究)です。


I am delighted that the top-level reviewers in this award have recognized my research on non-profit organizations, which are sometimes out of focus in management research. I lost my father early in life and could not go to high school and college without the support of non-profit organizations. Having gained experience working for NGOs/NPOs in Brazil and Uganda, I saw many organizations struggling to attract donations. I am also a full-time fundraising professional always seeking promising methods to raise funds effectively.

Then I enrolled in the GSM Ph.D. program to study scientific fundraising from a marketing perspective for academic curiosity and practical reasons. Through collaborative research with a platform company, I could build a comprehensive data set to investigate the success factors of digital fundraising. I am always excited and enjoy analyzing data. I will work hard to ensure that this research will result in a high-quality doctoral dissertation with a contribution to non-profit marketing strategy literature.

AIB Asia Pacific 2022 Chapter Conference