
Event reports Jan 25, 2022

January 10, 2022 Meeting of the International Project Management Program (i-PM) and the Project Operations Management Program (POM) for 2021 Workshop II Presentation

International Project Management Program (i-PM) and Project Operations Management Program (POM) held the presentation meeting of Workshop II (WS II) on 10 January, 2022.

In this meeting, nine i-PM students, one IPROMAC (International Project Management Course) student and five POM students conducted presentations on WSII activities in the second fall semester. Ten minutes’ presentation and five minutes’ discussion were allocated to each student. Lively questions and answers were held after each presentation.

And the best presentation awards and the excellent presentation awards were given to the following students;

Best Presentation Award 
i-PM:Alexander HASAN
POM:Takashi MORI

Excellent presentation Award 
i-PM:YE Win Lwin, KAUSHIK Kabya