The Green Entrepreneurship Research Endowed Chair held a lecture entitled “Deeply Responsible Business: A Global History of Values-Driven Leadership”.
The guest speaker was Jeffrey G. Jones, Professor of Business History at Harvard Business School. He specializes in research into the development, influence, and responsibility of global business, and has conducted research in a wide range of fields. In recent years, he has focused on historical research into the sustainable development of corporate activities and management history in emerging markets.
In his lecture, he explored how business should be responsible to society through examples of past business leaders, and emphasized the importance of value-driven leadership in the present and future. What is a truly responsible company? He also spoke about the history, current state, and ideal state of companies in order to practice sustainable social responsibility. George Cadbury (British chocolate industry) and Eiichi Shibusawa (Japanese venture capitalist) were introduced as pioneers with a strong sense of responsibility.
In the second half of the lecture, there was an active question and answer session from students and faculty. Prof. Jones graciously answered questions from the audience and provided further insight.