Endowed Chairs

International Mega Infrastructure Management Policy Chair

Installation period

April 1, 2019 ‒ June 30, 2027


Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.


In the context of the demand for strategic technological development and implementation of infrastructure development that supports the social economy and people's lives, this chair was established with our strong desire to "further develop the advanced mega-infrastructure design technology and management capabilities that Japan has cultivated in its harsh climate and that have contributed to the Japanese economic growth and people's well-being, and thereby to help solve wide range of social challenges on a global scale.
The environment surrounding us is constantly changing, with the intensification of natural disasters, the rapid development of advanced information technology, decarbonization and economic security, and it is an urgent social need for Japanese companies to participate in the development and management of mega infrastructure and smart cities to meet the changing social needs of the new era.
Specifically, in cooperation with the business administration research departments of partner universities in Southeast Asian countries and the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), we will conduct research on relevant systems related to the design and management of mega infrastructure and smart cities, and on the possibility of market entry by Japanese companies. In addition, we will conduct case studies on methodologies for creating business opportunities and forming projects through cooperation between Japanese and local companies, with the aim of establishing practical methodologies.
