Research on Infrastructure Physical Property
Installation period
April 1, 2024 – Mar 31, 2027
Participating Companies
Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Cooperative Research Organization
RIKEN SPring-8 center
While monitoring for infrastructure management and mechanical and statistical models of degradation have made sustained progress in recent years to cope with aging infrastructures in Japan, there is little research or practical knowledge on the occurrence of degradation phenomena and their mechanisms at the physical property level. On the other hand, the development of material science using large synchrotron radiation facilities (Spring-8) and supercomputers has made it possible to develop 3D microscopic images into models for numerical analysis, to analyse fracture paths by measuring local displacement fields, and to use 4D meta-model data to implement innovations related to new materials and new materials in the field of infrastructure.
Innovation in infrastructure is now possible. Of course, in order to promote the social implementation and export of innovations overseas, it is necessary to consider strategies for internationalisation of public procurement rules including criteria and standards related to physical properties.
In this course, we will conduct practical research on innovations ranging from the development of new materials to the specification of their performance for each infrastructure. We will also conduct research on business models for collaboration between industry, government, and academia to implement the results of cross-infrastructure innovations in the field of international public procurement. In the beginning, we will focus on pavements as an infrastructure material, and in the future, we will develop practical research on infrastructure materials in a cross-sectoral way and contribute to the creation of a new academic field called 'Infrastructure Physical Properties Science' and its implementation in society.